Monday, September 19, 2011

Memorizing Monday

The verse this week is very timely (but aren't they all?)  James 1:22 says "Do not merely listen to the what it says."  Today alone the girls have been blaming each other for things, telling on each other, hurting each other, etc.  So I explained that we shouldn't just listen to what we should do, but actually do the right things.  We shouldn't just hear someone say to be nice, but to really BE nice.  Think it will work?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

God's Truth

It occurred to me today that the girls probably already hear satan's lies in their head.  I need to equip them to recognize what thoughts are true!  Even as an adult, I struggle with lies in my head, so I know it is never too early.  We played a game I made up to learn what is true.  I asked these questions::
1. Your friend at school doesn't want to play.  You think you must be a bad friend.  Is that from God?  Does He want you to believe that?
2. Your room is dark at night.  A voice tells you that you are alone.  Are you really alone?
3. You get a question wrong at school and feel dumb.  Are you dumb?
4. Mommy tells you you are beautiful.  Is this what God wants you to believe?
5. You draw a picture that Daddy says is wonderful.  Are you talented?
6. Your sister shares with you and tells you she loves you. Does God want you to know you are loved?

We were able to talk about these things and know that God wants us to feel loved and smart versus alone and bad.  They did so well they "won" and got some candy.  :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ruth Was a Georgia Fan!

I let the girls pick out a page to color from a Bible coloring book.  They both picked out pictures of the story of Noah and I picked Ruth.  I put her in red and black (because everyone looks good in Georgia colors!)  Well, at least until Kaitlyn "helped" finish mine.  We talked about the story of Ruth in the beginning and then just colored. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Memorizing Monday

The verse this week is Luke 11:1 "Lord, teach me to pray."  We have been praying with them all their lives, and now both girls like to talk to Jesus.  However, there is a difference in what they say.  Lauren will copy things she has heard me say.  Kaitlyn always starts by listing all the names of family and friends and then something that happened that day.  Or just counting or saying colors.  Sigh. So today was a good day for a lesson.  We talked about things we say to thank Jesus or requests to ask Him.
On an different note, Lauren showed me today that she listens to me!  We were talking about how our neighbor (who is in her class) was not in a good mood today and took it out on Lauren.  I made sure she was still nice to Kendall.  She spouted back to me "Yes we treat people the way we want to be treated."  She gets it!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Trust God and Respect Authority

David was a good example to share with the girls of putting enemies in God's hands.  I told the story about David and Saul and how even though David knew Saul wanted him dead, he didn't kill him when he had the chance.  God puts people in charge of us and we have to listen to those people.  We may not like them or what they have to say, but God requires us to respect them.  Thankfully Lauren has always loved her teachers, but I am sure she won't always!  We listed people she has to listen to: Mommy and Daddy, her teachers at school, her bus driver, the child care workers at the gym, and Sunday School teachers.  We had a great discussion and I pray she will remember this when she needs to!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

David and Goliath

We of course had to make the first story of David week be the one when he was just a boy.  The 3 of us read the story together and then talked about it.  We looked at a slingshot and I explained how it works.  Then I told them that David was able to hit Goliath in the exact right spot because he had practiced.  Being a shepherd had a lot of downtime, so he had time to sharpen his slingshot skills.  We all have skills that we can practice and maybe God will use them one day. (Thanks Rebecca for helping them relate to the story!)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Memorizing Monday

Today is the start of "David week."  I actually chose the verse in Psalms that was written by him before I decided that!  The verse is Psalm 31:14 "I trust in You, O Lord."  Lauren and I discussed what trust means and I think she understood the comparison that she trusts Mommy and Daddy like we trust God.